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Welcome to the, owned and operated by Hong Kong Inventory Limited, providing both free and fee based services and products.
Trade Network serves to help our members gain exposure through print and online media. The Spring Issue in 2007 has attracted audience's attention and all printing was distributed to our members and exhibition attendees. In order to raise coverage of magazine, we shall increase the printing in the coming issue.
FREE Trial - For new user to try out services before registering as a member. This service is also suitable for buyers who purchase parts from time to time.
Spectrum analyzers Test development software Test probes/leads Test sockets Component test systems EMI test systems Telephone test systems Boreboard testers Cable testers EMI testers IC semiconductor testers Gas smoke sensors Humidity sensors Metal foils Gloves Insulation testers Vibration testers Thermometers (for industrial use) XY Platters Test measurement Audio/video cable assemblies Computer cable assemblies Game cable assemblies Power cards