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Our new customer services center at Shenzhen SEG Electronics Market becomes the first focal tactic after the 6th anniversary. HKI is the initial electronics components trading online platform to have customer services center.
A trading hub for
brokers, merchandisers and distributors to trade all kinds of electronic components, including semiconductors, passive components, obsolete and hard-to-find parts.
Hong Kong Inventory Limited was found in Hong Kong and has quickly expanded to China in order to serve the emerging Chinese market. Our trading platform and value-added services are suitable and customized for companies of all types and sizes.
Combining the advantage of the online and offline broadcast, we provide Trade Network Magazine and
Trade Show Exposition to enhance the effectiveness of marketing promotion.
Variable capacitors Circuit breakers Cooling fans Fuses Thermal cutoffs Internet set-top boxes Spray painting Production services Thermostats CPU coolers Fuse holders Miniature fuses Heatsinks Surge protectors/arrestors Thermoelectric modules Vacuum interrupters Circuit heat protection devices IFTS Inductors Bobbins base for coils/transformers Choke coils Deflection yokes Delay lines High-voltage coils