The Trade Network magazine is specially designed for electronic components purchasers. It gives information of hundreds of our suppliers and their products, distributing at international trade shows.
Issued every Spring and Fall in both online and print format, the printed Trade Network is mailed directly to HKinventory members worldwide. Coinciding with major industry exhibitions each year, the publication is also distributed in person to targeted exhibit attendees.
STRC membership gives your company something extra. Your customers will know that your business values credibility. Gold tag member can place a "STRC Member of" logo onto their online marketing material to increase recognition.
You can also take advantage of our daily outgoing RFQ and quotation emails. You can place your banner ad in our emails and receive up to a stunning 145,000 impressions per day!
Be wary of deals that appear too good too be true, even with those you have traded before, because they probably are. If in doubt, confirm with HKinventory the other party's information beforehand, or contact the company directly and ask for
trade references.
Cabinets cases Knobs handles Lead pins Lead frames Metal cans Rollers Screws fasteners Shrinkable tubes Snap domes Springs Stamped metal parts Metal plastic parts Control cards CPU coprocessor cards Fax cards Cards LAN Cards Memory cards Modem cards Muti-media cards Smart cards CCTV lenses modules Mice/Trackballs/Touchpads AD/DA modules